Some facts about Absinthe Prohibition

Absinthe Prohibition

As probably most of you know, Absinthe, the Green Fairy, got banned by the beginning of the 20th century. In the following article, we have put together some information about Absinthe prohibition. There are so many rumors out there about Absinthe and its prohibition, therefore it is good advice to check out these facts.

Countries that officially prohibited Absinthe

Even though there had been a few places that had banned Absinthe already, one can say that the whole prohibition movement started around 1905 in Switzerland. Absinthe was increasingly blamed to be poisonous and got the scapegoat for all social issues relating to alcohol consumption. The decision to officially ban the Green Fairy was made in 1908 and in 1910 the ban was implemented in the Swiss constitution. In the Netherlands (1909), United States (1912) and France (1914) Absinthe got as well prohibited. Germany followed in 1923.

Absinthe prohibition, why?

By the turn of the century, the Green Fairy had been increasingly perceived as a spirit that makes people insane and very violent. In 1905, it was reported that a Swiss farmer murdered his family after drinking Absinthe (read more about the Jean Lanfray murder in our separate blog post). That was when the negative discussion about the Green Fairy rose to a new level. The green spirit was blamed as being the reason why Mr. Lanfray killed his family. But there is something that had not been taken into consideration: The farmer had drank a lot of wine and brandy prior to drinking two glasses of Absinthe. So did the two glasses of Absinthe really made the difference…? We have our doubts.

Absinthe Prohibition
Anti-Absinthe propaganda at the turn of the century

Absinthe prohibition: The real reason of the ban

The real reason why Absinthe got banned has to do with the wine industry’s business interests. Up until the late 19th century, wine and wine-based products like Cognac were the preferred drink in society. But this changed in the mid-19th century, when grape phylloxera hit the French vineyards.

As most wine was destroyed, wine and Cognac prices skyrocketed. As a matter of fact, people were in search for a substitute and Absinthe was the answer: A high-proof alcoholic drink made with wormwood. It helped, that the drink was already popular among artists and the military. The French Army had handed out rations of Absinthe to its African troops to cure stomach diseases, and soldiers started to love the drink. The price for a bottle of Absinthe was reasonable as well. Especially if you think of its alcoholic strength (real Absinthe has 138 proof). So it didn’t take long, and Absinthe was the new drink of choice for many people.

Absinthe: The new drink of choice
Absinthe: The new drink of choice

Absinthe gets banned

It didn’t take long and the winemakers had to realize that people who used to be their customers, were now drinking Absinthe. The only logical solution for them was stigmatizing the new competitor! And so they did… The Jean Lanfray murder was a perfect incident, to blame the Green Fairy. Also, the fact, that a lot of the artists who were drinking Absinthe were known to have psychological disorders, helped to spread the myth, that the Green Fairy makes you mad. Last but not least, the research of a French psychiatrist (Dr. Valentin Magnan) helped. He gave the “scientific” proof that Absinthe was poisonous.

Dr. Magnan experimented with rats and injected wormwood oil into their bodies. And guess what, the little animals eventually died. The problem with his research was the fact that he used pure wormwood oil instead of Absinthe and his experiments were (of course) never peer reviewed or verified. Why? Because Dr. Magnan was convinced that alcohol (especially Absinthe) was harming social order. He eagerly wanted to see it banned…

In the end, the wine industry used massive political influence to ban Absinthe. They finally reached their goal with the prohibition of Absinthe throughout Europe between 1909 and 1914 (USA 1912). Without the Green Fairy competing with their products, wine and Cognac dominated the market once again.

Absinthe Prohibition: The ban
Absinthe Prohibition: The ban

Is Absinthe, aka the Green Fairy, toxic?

There has always been whether Absinthe is toxic or not. This question arose due to the fact that wormwood, one of its most important ingredients, contains thujone, which indeed can be toxic. Nevertheless, it only is toxic in very high doses. Absinthe, just like so many other products that we eat regularly, does not contain enough thujone for us to worry. And no, Absinthe brands of the past neither contained high levels of thujone. Vintage Absinthes were analyzed and guess what, the levels of thujone were often under the levels that are legal today (35 mg/liter).

Modern research results on thujone

After Absinthe was banned, things became quieter around the spirit Absinthe and its controversial active ingredient. In the 1970s, however, a British science magazine published an article comparing the molecular composition of thujone with the primary psychoactive substance in cannabis, “tetrahydrocannabinol” (THC). The scientists found a molecular similarity and hypothesized that thujone can affect the brain to the same extent as THC. However, this hypothesis was not further verified, but it gave rise to the persistent myth that thujone is a cannabinoid. The hypothesis about the connection between the effects of thujone and THC was disproved by later studies, but the original British article had caused a further misunderstanding…

Disproving of the thujone myth through scientific tests

In 2008, an article entitled “Chemical Composition of Vintage Preban Absinthe with Special Reference to Thujone, Fenchone, Pinocamphone, Methanol, Copper, and Antimony Concentrations” was published in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”. The aim of the study was to investigate whether old Absinthes actually contain more thujone than today’s varieties (i.e. more than 35mg/l).

Thirteen samples of genuine Absinthe from the Preban era (i.e. pre-1915) were analyzed for parameters thought to contribute to the toxicity of the spirit. This included naturally occurring herbal essences (thujone, pinocampone, fenchone), methanol, higher alcohols, copper and antimony. The total thujone content of Preban Absinthe ranged from 0.5 to 48.3 mg/L, with an average concentration of 25.4 ( 20.3 mg/L and a median of 33.3

The authors conclude that the thujone concentration of Preban Absinthe has been overestimated in the past. The analysis of postban (1915-1988) and modern commercial Absinthes (2003-2006) showed that the thujone ranges of all Absinthes are quite similar. This refutes the assumption that there is a fundamental difference between preban and modern Absinthes produced according to historical recipes. The analyses of pinocampone, fenchone, basic spirits, copper and antimony were unremarkable. All in all, apart from ethanol, nothing was found in the absinthes that could explain the “absinthism” syndrome.

Does thujone degrade over time?

In 2009, further study results were published. It was about the half-life of thujone, i.e. the hypothesis was to be investigated as to whether the thujone content had degraded over the years. The article was entitled “Long-Term Stability of Thujone, Fenchone, and Pinocamphone in Vintage Preban Absinthe”. For the study, Absinthes were exposed to ultraviolet light for up to 200 hours. Absinthe stored and irradiated in traditional green glass bottles showed an unchanged composition. In samples stored in clear glass, the thujone content decreased by 18%, and at the same time there was a decoloration.

These experiments indicate the stability of thujone in old Absinthes, as these were stored in green glass bottles. The preserved color of the Preban Absinthes tested indicates that no significant exposure to light occurred during the entire storage period, and is thus indirect evidence that no loss of terpenes occurred. The stability of the Absinthe was also demonstrated by re-analyzing samples from 2001-2005, which showed no changes in thujone content until 2008. These study results supported the results from the 2008 study and the assessment of Preban Absinthes with thujone levels of 0.5 to 48.3 mg/L was therefore valid. A significant loss of thujone over time cannot be assumed.

Post-prohibition: The revival of the Green Fairy

It took some time until Absinthe got legalized once again. A British importer realized in the 1990s that Absinthe never formally had been banned in the UK. That is when the Czech brand Hill’s Absinthe was imported into the UK (the Czech Republic neither had banned Absinthe, therefore you could legally buy it there). Starting from Prague and London the Green Fairy gained some awareness in the bar and nightclub scene. That’s what kicked the revival off and Absinthe distillation and distribution started in various other countries as the Green Fairy was in fact re-legalized: As the drink was legal in some countries, the EU harmonized laws and the drink was finally permitted in all EU countries by the beginning of the 21st century! 

In early 2000 Hollywood got aware of the Green Fairy as well. Fascinated by the drink’s rich history and inspired by the recent hype, they started to make famous movies that further helped to spread the word of the Green Fairy. Moulin Rouge, From Hell, Dracula are just a few to name where Absinthe was served. The Green Fairy was officially back!

Finally, what is the effect of Absinthe?

Sorry, you will not see pink elephants after drinking some glasses of Absinthe. But you can experience a mental awareness. It is a result of the high level of alcohol (68-90% alc. by vol) and the essential oils of the distilled herbs. The effect is different to what you are used to when drinking alcohol. You can read more about the Absinthe Effect in this article. And please, do not burn Absinthe, although they serve it like this in many bars and as well in the movie Moulin Rouge. You can read more about how to drink Absinthe the original way in our separate article.

We do hope that you enjoyed this blog post about “Absinthe prohibition”. You want to tell us something? Just leave a comment, or visit us on Facebook or Instagram.

Much Love.

Nico from the ALANDIA Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Since 2007 Absinthe is legal in the USA. This was made possible partly through the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) clarification of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) thujone content regulations, which indicate that finished food and beverages that contain wormwood must be thujone-free. However, the TTB classifies a product thujone-free if the thujone content is less than 10 ppm (equal to 10 mg/kg). This effectively lifted the long-standing ban.
Absinthe is not illegal anymore, despite popular belief. It was legalized in the USA in 2007, before it was indeed regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. The reason for this is that Absinthe contains thujone, a toxic compound found in several edible plants including tarragon, sage, and wormwood. But modern research proofed the poisonous effects of Absinthe wrong.
Absinthe was regulated by the Food and Drug Administration till 2007. It was as well banned in most of Europe since the turn of the 20th century. The reason for this is that Absinthe contains thujone, a toxic compound found in several edible plants including tarragon, sage, and wormwood. But modern research proofed the poisonous effects of Absinthe wrong.
Absinthe is an anise-flavored liquor derived from botanicals, including grand wormwood (artemisia absinthium), green anise, fennel, and other herbs to round off the taste. Absinthe traditionally has a natural green color, deriving from coloring herbs, but may also be clear. Absinthe contains the chemical compound thujone, which is responsible for Absinthes poisonous reputation.
Drinks made with wormwood usually contain alpha-Thujone. In high doses thujone can be toxic, but it is primarily known as a convulsant. Under current regulations in the European Union and the US, the legal thujone content in food is not at concentrations that would be dangerous.
Thujone is the ingredient that is responsible for blaming Absinthe as a hallucinogen. Thujone is a component of wormwood. In very high doses, thujone can be toxic. But the alcohol in Absinthe would kill you long before you drank enough to get any other effects. And there is no scientific evidence that thujone can cause hallucinations, even in high doses.
Absinthe may not be hallucinogenic, but Absinthe does have a very high alcohol content. Typical are 68 percent alcohol by volume (176 proof). Real Absinthe also contains the neurotoxin thujone, but the amounts in Absinthe are not sufficient to develop the toxic effect.
Absinthe got banned at the beginning of the 20th century because it was said overuse can lead to “absinthism”, a certain type of insanity. Thujone, an ingredient of the wormwood plant, was blamed for its hallucinogen effects. But modern research proofed the poisonous effects of Absinthe wrong. The alcohol in Absinthe would kill you long before you drank enough to get any other hallucinogenic effects.
Lucid is French made Absinthe produced for the American market. The brand contains thujone but not more than the legal limit of 10 ppm (equal to 10 mg/kg).
The chemical thujone, which occurs naturally in the liquor, gave Absinthe its hallucinogenic reputation. Thujone can cause convulsions in high enough concentrations, but they are practically unattainable from drinking Absinthe casually. The alcohol in Absinthe would kill you long before you drank enough to get any other side effects.
Absinthe's effects are primarily alcohol-related, causing typical alcohol intoxication, not unusual behaviors or mood changes.
Absinthe is safe when consumed responsibly. Excessive consumption, like with any alcoholic beverage, can be harmful.

7 thoughts on “Some facts about Absinthe Prohibition”

  1. Thank you! I have been intrigued about this for a long time. My interest is in the cup and slotted spoon which holds the sugar cube. I collect unusual things and would love to have this. Any suggestions?

  2. Would like to have the cup and slotted spoon which holds the sugar cube.
    Any suggestion?

  3. Thank you for this informative article! Is it still banned in the United States? I have been dying to taste it!

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