Many Absintheurs have asked us which Absinthe brand is the strongest and which bottle has the highest thujone content. And we are often asked why we do not write the thujone content in mg next to each Absinthe brand. Therefore, we decided to upload this website to provide some relevant information in regard to thujone. If you directly want to buy a bottle of strong Absinthe with thujone check out the following Absinthe set and our further recommended products.
There are so many misconceptions about the drink Absinthe. Therefore, we want to start with some important facts to educate you about the drink:
FACT #1: Absinthe is NOT a drug. It will cause a physical and mental activation, but you will not hallucinate. Therefore, "Absinthe" will not show up in any drug test.
FACT #2: The thujone content in an Absinthe varies from distillation to distillation, as it depends on the quality of the herbs used. Not every year the wormwood harvest is the same. Sometimes the weather and other circumstances lead to a higher content of thujone in the wormwood plant. Therefore, as the Absinthe recipe stays the same, it might be that the same recipe with the same amount of wormwood results in an Absinthe with higher thujone. "Exact mg" numbers you might find in the net are just estimations. Do not look too much at them. Also, Absinthe producers advertising with "100mg of thujone" are con artists, they just want your money, often these Absinthes contain 0 mg thujone. Avoid to walk into this rip-off trap. A common advertised Fauxsinthe brand is King of Spirit Gold. Beware!
FACT #3: Absinthe has much more to offer than the ingredient "thujone". It is a drink of history, pleasure and quality.
We will not promote any "thujone super bombs", but as many of our Absintheurs asked us we publish the levels of some Absinthes, where we know the approximate levels based on chemical thujone analysis which were made in the past. As you can see, Strong68 is the best Absinthe with thujone.
1. Absinthe Strong68 (Our bestseller, approx. 30 mg thujone, 68% alcohol percentage)
2. Absinthe Hamlet Hardcore Black (Approx. 25 mg thujone plus 69% alcohol percentage)
3. Absinthe Gothica (Green in color, approx. 25 mg thujone plus an alcohol content of 66.6%)
These bottles of real Absinthe can all be bought in our Strong Absinthe section. But do not expect that you will consume a hallucinogenic drug. This is a common misunderstanding about the liquor, even the strongest Absinthe will not make you hallucinate! If you are interested in more background info about the drink, check out our Absinthe for sale info site. You will find info about the legal status of Absinthe there as well.
If you want to drink Absinthe (alternative spelling: Absynthe) you should perform the traditional Absinthe ritual: You have to have an Absinthe spoon an Absinthe glass and sugar cubes. Do not prepare the Green Fairy the "Czech way", meaning setting it on fire. The fire destroys not only your beautiful accessories, but also the fine taste of the Green Fairy. Therefore, we recommend drinking the Green Fairy the original French way, where you only add ice-cold water and sugar - No Fire! If you prepare the Green Fairy the original way, you need some authentic accessories like Absinthe Fountains, Absinthe Glasses and Spoons for the proper preparation. You can get all of these Absinthe accessories in our online store ALANDIA. Below, you can see a video of the Absinthe brand Strong68, the #1 brand from the ranking, properly prepared with water and sugar cube.
We hope we have helped you to get some clarity about Absinthe & thujone. If you like to buy a bottle of Absinthe at our online store but still need a little bit more info about the ordering process, check out our info site: Buy Absinthe in the USA. This page is especially made for US Absintheurs, but the info presented is of course as well valid for our international customers. In case there are still open questions, just write us an email or visit us at Facebook. Cheers and green greetings!