Learn more about Artemisia Absinthium (wormwood)

Artemisia Absinthium: Most important facts

  • Grand wormwood (lat. artemisia absinthium) is the eponymous herb of the liquor Absinthe.
  • Historically, the plant was regarded as an effective remedy for stomach cramps and nausea.
  • Artemisia absinthium got into disrepute because of its essential oil containing the nerve poison “thujone”.
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GABA: What does it have to do with Absinthe & Thujone?

Source: Shutterstock / Zerbor

We are happy to welcome you back to this week’s post! Last time we talked about Absinthe & Thujone. Today we will add some info to this topic. We will talk about an ingredient, which is less known, but also connected to Absinthe & Thujone: GABA.

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Thujone: Why did it give Absinthe such a bad reputation?

We are pleased to welcome you back to our Absinthe blog. We have often talked about it, and we still get many inquiries from customers about this topic. But we never went into too much detail. Today’s topic is therefore a very basic part of Absinthe. It is apparently also one of the reasons for the Absinthe Prohibition. By now, you will probably already know. It is about Thujone and Absinthe.

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Absinthe and Medicine

Source: Masha_Semenova/Shutterstock

Welcome back, glad to have you here! Absinthe and Medicine is this week’s topic.
Absinthe and its relationship with medicine is a subject that is often discussed in old books about Absinthe. That’s why we are telling you a bit more about Absinthe and its relationship with medicine today. Enjoy!

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Absinthism and the comparison of Absinthe to Cannabis

Image Source: Yeko Photo Studio/Shutterstock

This week, you are going to learn more about Absinthe and its negative image at the turn of the century. The drink was blamed of causing Absinthism, a mental illness. We will also deal with the question: Are Absinthe and Cannabis comparable? Enjoy!

Continue reading “Absinthism and the comparison of Absinthe to Cannabis”