Absinthe Sugar: Do you need it?

Today’s topic of Absinthe Sugar is a question that a good number of people are dealing with in regard to preparing and consuming Absinthe, especially Absintheurs that are new to the world of Absinthe. That is why we want to address it in order to make it easier for you to understand what this is all about.

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Absinthe Gommée: The forgotten Absinthe Ritual

We have talked about different ways how to prepare Absinthe already. However, there is one more ritual that we have not yet talked about, but it is a big part of history as well: An Absinthe Gommée. Maybe some of you, already know what it is, but it seems, that this way of drinking Absinthe has been forgotten over the years!

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Absinthe and Water: That’s what you need to know

Dear Absintheur! This week you are in for a special post, because we are talking about the maybe second-biggest thing for Absintheurs: Water. Why is water so important? Well, because you use it every time that you prepare your Absinthe! We feel that this is not talked about enough, which is why we want to discuss Absinthe and Water in this week’s post.

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Famous Absinthe Cocktail: Death in the Afternoon

Source: (Shutterstock/328343447)

Just by the title, most of you will already know what this blog post is about, but some of you probably won’t. Death in the Afternoon is a cocktail Hemingway invented and enjoyed, and yes, it is made with Absinthe!

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The first American (Absinthe) Cocktail: The Sazerac

Dear Absintheur! We like to drink our glass of Absinthe the traditional way with cold water. But sometimes we also enjoy Absinthe as a cocktail. Our favorite Absinthe cocktail is the Sazerac. Rumor has it that it is the oldest American cocktail…

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Special Absinthe Drink: New Years Edition

New Year’s Eve always requires a lot of drinking, especially being with all the friends and family. It can get boring, drinking the same drinks over and over again. We thought of something special that combines your love of Absinthe with the traditional way to introduce the New Year.

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Absinthe Terminus Brouilleur

“Bienfaisante”, this was the marketing claim for the famous French Absinthe Terminus. Bienfaisante means beneficial and was referring to the healthy qualities of this fine spirit. Indeed, Absinthe helps against stomach problems, but of course such a glorification of the spirit is a typical example of how advertising was made during the 19th century. Our blog post is about the vintage Absinthe brand Terminus and their special Absinthe accessory, the Terminus Brouilleur.

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