What is an Absinthe Glass?

Absinthe Glasses

To drink Absinthe the traditional way, you need to have an original Absinthe glass. But what exactly makes a glass an Absinthe glass? We will give you the answer and inform you this week about Absinthe Glasses.

Absinthe Glass: The historic evolution

In its early days, Absinthe has been served in the same glasses as every other drink. Since Absinthe has a deeper cultural meaning and gained in popularity, a specific design became popular. As you most certainly know, a glass for Absinthe normally has a short thick stem, as well as a reservoir in order to measure how much Absinthe you need to pour for one serving. Such a glass is called ‘reservoir glass’. The Pontarlier glass design was the first specific Absinthe glass. It has as well another indicator, a faceting, to help to add the right amount of water. In the following picture, you can see these design characteristics:

Absinthe Reservoir Glass
The Pontarlier Absinthe Glass with a reservoir and faceting

Other types of Absinthe Glasses

Of course, you can also find other types of glasses which are used to drink Absinthe. Some of them stand for exclusiveness, representing culture, such as the Absinthe Glass Versailles. Whereas others, like the Absinthe Glass Torsade belong to a different kind of category: They are called ‘swirl glasses’. Those glasses result in a nice display of the Green Fairy, when filled, due to the shape of the glass.

Last but not least, you will also find unique, modern designs, such as the Absinthe Glass Skull. It has a skull design and fits perfectly to the Hamlet Absinthe line, which is also bottled in a skull bottle. In the following photo, you see the skull glass filed with crushed ice and Hamlet Red.

Skull Absinthe Glass
This is the Skull Absinthe Glass

If you are interested in finding more designs, don’t hesitate to take a closer look at Absinthe Glasses inventory.

As always: we do hope that you enjoyed this post about the Absinthe Glass! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us! You can find us on Facebook and all our other Social Media Channels.

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Nico from the ALANDIA Team