Carnivàle is an American TV series. It plays in the United States during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its storyline is primarily about the battle between good and evil and the fight between free will and destiny. In some sequences, Absinthe is consumed.
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Absinthe in the Movies: Motion Picture from 1913
This movie is from 1913. Its title was “Absinthe”. It is the only surviving U.S.-made Absinthe related motion picture from the pre-ban era. You can see in the movie how Absinthe is prepared and consumed.
Absinthe Scene: Movie from 1913
Absintheurs: A new movie about Absinthe
There is a new documentary coming out soon which is about Absinthe. It is called “Les Absintheurs”. We already found the trailer for this Absinthe movie on the Vimeo video platform. Looks decent, but let’s see if it is a good movie. It seems as they will present the Green Fairy in its traditional way, that’s good!
Continue reading “Absintheurs: A new movie about Absinthe”Absinthe Scene in Total Eclipse
Total Eclipse, this film is about the love between the poets Verlaine and Rimbaud. Leonardo di Caprio plays in this movie. In the movie are some pretty detailed Absinthe scenes. They also use Absinthe accessories like Absinthe glasses, spoons, an Absinthe fountain and an Absinthe water carafe.
Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in Total Eclipse”Moulin Rouge Absinthe Scene
The all-time favorite Absinthe scene – Absinthe in Moulin Rouge featuring Kylie Minogue as the Green Fairy! With this movie, the hype around Absinthe began. The Moulin Rouge establishment as the epitome of Absinthe culture helped a lot to reanimate the cult around Absinthe. Thanks, Hollywood!
Continue reading “Moulin Rouge Absinthe Scene”Absinthe Scene in From Hell
Another all-time favorite. The Absinthe scene from From Hell. In this movie Johnny Depp drinks Absinthe with laudanum, an opiate. The movie itself is superb, watch it, when you have not done it until now!
Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in From Hell”Absinthe Scene in Eurotrip
This movie created a big buzz for Absinthe. We often received inquiries like “Do you sell the Absinthe from Eurotrip..?”. First of all, such a nucelar green glowing Absinthe does not exist, it is a Hollywood film requisite. And of course, Absinthe does not make you hallucinate. But the movie Eurotrip is funny, full of prejudices, but sometimes they can be quite entertaining 😉 Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in Eurotrip”
Absinthe Scene in Blood and Chocolate
Here is another movie “Blood and Chocolate” it is about vampires in Romania, they drink Absinthe as their spiritual drink and as a serum of truth… Watch the video, they drink it as a shot, but within the movie there are some more scenes where Absinthe is prepared more traditional.
Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in Blood and Chocolate”Absinthe Scene in Van Helsing
Another Absinthe related content from Hollywood. In the movie Van Helsing Absinthe is featured as the drink that “keep’s you going”. Nice description of our beloved Green Fairy! The movie is as well a good one, watch it.
Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in Van Helsing”Absinthe Scene in Get him to the Greek
The brand-new movie Get him to the Greek shows an Absinthe scene with Puff Daddy as a psychedelic vision. It’s funny, but of course concentrates on the “false” drug like experience of Absinthe. Check it out, at least we laughed when we saw Puff Daddy eating his own head..!
Continue reading “Absinthe Scene in Get him to the Greek”