Absinthe Banned: The story of Jean Lanfray

In September 2016, in our Absinthe Prohibition Post we told you about a farmer, who supposedly killed his family under the influence of Absinthe. Absinthe, however, was not the reason for his actions, since two ounces of Absinthe are not nearly as influential as excessive amounts of hard liquor and wine. However, Absinthe was banned shortly after this incident. Therefore, we want to tell you more about the story of that farmer: Jean Lanfray.

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Famous Absinthe Cocktail: Death in the Afternoon

Source: (Shutterstock/328343447)

Just by the title, most of you will already know what this blog post is about, but some of you probably won’t. Death in the Afternoon is a cocktail Hemingway invented and enjoyed, and yes, it is made with Absinthe!

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The first American (Absinthe) Cocktail: The Sazerac

Dear Absintheur! We like to drink our glass of Absinthe the traditional way with cold water. But sometimes we also enjoy Absinthe as a cocktail. Our favorite Absinthe cocktail is the Sazerac. Rumor has it that it is the oldest American cocktail…

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Burning Absinthe – Why people (still) do it…

Source: (Shutterstock/itakdalee)

Welcome back dear friend! We do have a topic today that we have been burning to tell you about: Burning Absinthe. We are sure you know some drinks that can burn (as in our title picture). But how about setting Absinthe on fire…? Is flaming Absinthe a good idea?

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Special Absinthe Drink: New Years Edition

New Year’s Eve always requires a lot of drinking, especially being with all the friends and family. It can get boring, drinking the same drinks over and over again. We thought of something special that combines your love of Absinthe with the traditional way to introduce the New Year.

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Iconic & Original Absinthe Accessories

When it comes to Absinthe, there is one factor, which is, to many, more important than the Absinthe itself: The Absinthe Accessories. In our article about Absinthe Rituals you already found out, why they are pretty important. In the following article, we want to provide you with an overview about the most iconic Absinthe Accessories.

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