When it comes to Absinthe, there is one factor, which is, to many, more important than the Absinthe itself: The Absinthe Accessories. In our article about Absinthe Rituals you already found out, why they are pretty important. In the following article, we want to provide you with an overview about the most iconic Absinthe Accessories.
Original Absinthe Accessories: Spoons
Once can say, an Absinthe spoon is the most iconic Absinthe accessory. Because Absinthe spoons are only used for drinking Absinthe. They have no other function. With other accessories, like Absinthe glasses or carafes, it is different. They were and are often used as well for other drinks.
Absinthe spoons, just as Absinthe itself, often have an interesting story to tell. They do not simply represent a drinking accessory. Looking at the design of those spoons, one is able to see more than just a piece of metal. Think of the famous Eiffel Tower spoon, which was made for the inauguration of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, or the decorated Feuille design spoon, that with its ornamented wormwood leaves is so typical for the Belle Époque era.
Original Absinthe Accessories: Fountains
An original Absinthe fountain can also be considered as a very iconic Absinthe accessory. Even in the times of the Belle Époque they were a very exclusive accessory. Only some cafés had one. Often the cheaper, more convenient accessory was used, a water carafe. Nevertheless, Absinthe Fountains are still the best way to prepare a glass of Absinthe. The small drips from the fountain create the best louche. The louche is the magical moment, when the Green Fairy changes its color from green to white.
Of course, those accessories are not the only ones. Much more Absinthe Accessories exist in the “World of Absinthe”. If you want to check them out, you can do so at our website.
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Nico from the ALANDIA Team