Famous Absinthe Drinkers: Part 2

Source: Eric Litton/Shutterstock

Last week we told you about Absinthe and famous Absinthe personalities. Because there are so many persons we could talk about, we decided to make a second part, here it is Famous Absinthe Drinkers!

Famous Absinthe Drinkers: Ernest Hemingway

He is most definitely the writer that was closest to Absinthe. He came in contact with Absinthe in Spain and Cuba, because of the Absinthe Prohibition in France. Ernest Hemingway, it is reported, has always been a heavy drinker and did enjoy his glass of Absinthe quite frequently. Living in Florida, he was able to obtain his Absinthe from Cuba, where, as previously mentioned, Absinthe was legal.

His love for Absinthe can be observed in his books. For example, in his Spanish Civil War novel For Whom The Bell Tolls. Robert Jordan, the main character, feels a delicate anaesthesia on his tongue, as the book says. That description of drinking Absinthe is one example of Hemingway’s love for Absinthe.

Famous Absinthe Personalities HemmingwayFamous Absinthe Drinkers: John Moore

The London-based musician first encountered Absinthe in Prague in 1993. Without describing too much, we just want to state him: ‘One winter as I stood in a Prague bar […] I noticed one that looked particularly inviting. […] It was Absinthe. I knew a little about Absinthe but had never expected to try it. […] Armed with a glass of water, I finished the rest and then ordered another glass. A friendship had begun.’ (Phil Baker, The Dedalus Book of Absinthe, 2001, p. 161). We will just leave you with these words.


Source: Inga Ivanova/Shutterstock

So there still are more famous personalities that drank Absinthe, but we don’t want to dive too deep into that topic. Next week we will deal with different countries and their relationship with Absinthe, so stay tuned!

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Nico from the ALANDIA Team