Did you know that the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in 1889…? No? That’s not of a problem! If you decide to buy our Absinthe of the Month – Heritage Verte – you will never forget this date. Why? Because every bottle is accompanied by one silver plated Paris 1889 Absinthe spoon. This Absinthe spoon is an authentic reproduction of the Absinthe spoon which was made for the festivities in 1889.
The Eiffel Tower & its silver-plated Absinthe spoon

We have some interesting information about the world-famous Eiffel Tower for you: The tower is named after its architect and designer Gustave Eiffel. The project was proposed in 1884 as the eye catcher of the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889. It should mark the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Over 700 design proposals were handed in, but Eiffel’s tower proved to be the most popular.

Maybe you already knew these facts but did you know the following…? The design was not originally meant for Paris, but for the Universal Exposition of 1888 which was held in Barcelona, Spain. The Spanish rejected the design; only then did Eiffel enter it for consideration for the 1889 fair in Paris. Imagine the Spanish would have liked the design!

Next time you use your silver-plated Eiffel Tower Absinthe spoon you should think of the history of this legendary building. It will take you on a journey of history. Safe travels!