Source: Nikolina Mrakovic/Shutterstock
Welcome back, glad to have you here! We already told you some facts about Absinthe and its prohibition in our recent posts. Now you will learn more about the perception of Absinthe in different countries. Therefore, Absinthe and its image in specific countries will be this week’s topic!
Absinthe and its image: negative perception
England was one of many countries, where Absinthe was perceived as something rather negative. “For the conservative English, however, absinthe symbolized the dissolute, sexually depraved world of the French.” (J. Adams, Hideous Absinthe). This quote does not only show the English perception of France, but rather its perception of Absinthe. Of course, this mindset has changed after the re-legalization of the green liquor (read more about the legal status of Absinthe at our info site). But still, in many countries including the UK the fame of Absinthe is rather negative. In Holland, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, the US and even in France the drink remained to be associated with alcoholism and health issues.
Source: Radiokafka/Shutterstock
Absinthe and its image: positive perception
As you already know, the revival of Absinthe started in the Czech Republic in the late 1990s (back then: Czechoslovakia). As Absinthe had never been banned there, some bars started to offer the drink to people being interested. This was at a time when many countries such as Germany and France still considered the drink as being poisonous. One can say that the Czech actually liked Absinthe and spotted a market niche. And in fact, many tourists came to Czech cities, such as Prague, to drink Absinthe for their first time. It was something special, with the reputation of being “forbidden”.
Nevertheless, one can say, that the Czech sympathy for Absinthe did not really help its reputation. Often they burn the Absinthe, which is not the right way of serving. Absinthe was often sold as something “illegal” and thereby supported the negative fame of the Green Fairy.
Absinthe perception during the ban
The ban of Absinthe in countries did not mean that the whole population was against Absinthe. Switzerland is a very good example, having been one of the greatest producers of Absinthe. It was on 5 July 1907, when the vote resulted in 236,232 people in favor of the ban and 137,702 against it. 63% opponents of the Green Fairy is a very huge number. But the 37% voting for the Green Fairy shouldn’t be ignored!
In fact, cantons, such as Neuchâtel and Geneva, were strongly connected with the spirit. Neuchâtel had 17 and Geneva 11 larger Absinthe distilleries. Many people made their living by selling Absinthe or working for the Absinthe industry. The green liquor was as well part of their culture: For decades, a glass of Absinthe was commonly enjoyed with friends. Therefore, it is no surprise, that many people from these regions kept on drinking and producing Absinthe. Of course, this activity was done hidden, as it was now illegal.
How is Absinthe perceived nowadays?
Overall, you can say that the spirit “Absinthe” was and still is discussed controversially. Some love it, some (still) regard it as being dangerous. Fact is, that the green spirit is now legal in almost every country of the world. Therefore, Absinthe has gotten the official approval of not being dangerous for your health (not more than any other liquor). This has helped to improve the image of the drink. And fortunately, more and more quality Absinthe is produced. Thus enabling people to appreciate the acquired taste of this very fine spirit!
Next week we will deal with Absinthe and its relationship with medicine. We look forward to having you back! 🙂 Enjoyed this article? Show your friends and share this article on your favorite Social Media Channel!
Nico from the ALANDIA Team